ATTENTION: Instructors of Fall 2024 Courses
RE: Archiving of a Course Syllabus for all Fall 2024 Courses
As you wrap up your Fall 2024 classes, if you haven’t done so already, please ensure that you have a copy of your Course Syllabus uploaded and archived in ESTHER. The archiving of course syllabi in ESTHER is a university requirement, and instructors are asked to upload and archive their course syllabus in ESTHER before the first day of class each semester. System records indicate that some of you have not yet archived your Fall 2024 course syllabus in ESTHER.
Course Syllabus Information - More information, including (faculty and staff) Course Syllabus FAQs, and detailed step-by-step instructions on uploading the syllabus, can be found here.
Course Syllabus Resources - Rice’s Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) has published syllabus guidelines and a syllabus template that can be found here.
Please Note: Academic Departments can easily view which course offerings have an archived syllabus, and which have not, by using the public Enrollment Counts webapp. Both the HTML (web page) and Excel output include a column (to the far right) entitled “Has Syllabus?”, with the answer being “Y” or “N”. A link to this course detail webapp can be found here.
Thank you for your help and assistance as we bring this semester to a close.