ATTENTION: Students in Fall 2024 Full-Term Courses
RE: Fall 2024 Course and Instructor Evaluations
With Fall 2024 classes behind us, and being we are within the four study days that precede the Final Exam period, this is a good time to complete Fall 2024 course and instructor evaluations in ESTHER. Your evaluations have no bearing on your grade for the course, and instructors see them only after they have submitted grades.
Student evaluations, comments, and suggestions are extremely valuable in the process of maintaining and encouraging high quality instruction and teaching at Rice. At the conclusion of the Fall 2024 evaluation period, student responses and narratives will be visible and archived within ESTHER for continuing students, faculty, and staff to see into the future. The evaluations are a way to provide feedback to the instructor on the course and teaching, and they are also included in instructors’ performance reviews.
Note: Your thoughtful evaluations, comments and input are requested. Student evaluators should remember that the solicitation and collection of their input and feedback is a privilege, and are encouraged to read this important notice.
Thank you.