ATTENTION: All Academic Department/Program Official Certifiers
RE: Long Postponed Upgrade to Degree Works About to Happen
Please be advised that Degree Works will be down for a scheduled upgrade from Monday, November 25th through Wednesday, November 27th. During this time, the system will be unavailable.
Once the upgrade is complete, the system will have a new interface known as Responsive Dashboard. The previous version of Degree Works, known as Classic Dashboard, is being discontinued by the vendor, and it will no longer be available to us after this scheduled upgrade is complete.
Earlier this semester, the Office of the Registrar provided training sessions in anticipation of this upgrade. If you were unable to attend that training, you can view training videos or review the new Degree Works step-by-step user guide, by logging in here. (Rice NetID and login required)
The Office of the Registrar is available for any further assistance regarding Degree Works or for individual training. Please email us at
Thank you . . .